Industries: Banking

Enhanced Customer Service with Automated Banking Solutions

We offer banking solutions that automate two of the most significant yet tedious processes in the banking system - Cheque Processing and Currency Management.

Our advanced CTS system enables seamless and secure cheque processing using AI-based automation and specialized UV/IR capture solutions. Further, our currency chest solution centralises the processes to improve operational efficiency.

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We offer banking solutions that automate two of the most significant yet tedious processes in the banking system - Cheque Processing and Currency Management.

Our advanced CTS system enables seamless and secure cheque processing using AI-based automation and specialized UV/IR capture solutions. Further, our currency chest solution centralises the processes to improve operational efficiency.

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Our Custom Solutions for Banking


Instantly digitize all cash transactions at the bank branch. Reduces manual intervention for all financial and non-financial transactions.


Kores C-Dock

Enable real-time monitoring of cash transactions through Kores C-Dock. Seamlessly integrate it with other systems like a Bank's CBS.

C-Dock- sol

Smart Cheque Mobile Capture Solution

Quickly scan and clear cheques by capturing CTS-compatible cheque images within seconds. The app offers advanced security and seamless integration with CTS for cost-effective cheque processing without the need for extensive IT infrastructure.


Positive Pay Solution (PPS) + NACH Capture

Implement a safe and secure solution through automated capture and data validations. PPS/NACH capture offers Straight-Through Processing (STP) and direct integration with other systems.


Cheque Processing Solution

Accurately detect genuine cheques with advanced security features like UV and IR. The OCR scanner automatically captures cheque data, reducing clearance time and costs and improving efficiency.

banking-cheque processing


Data in Action

According to a McKinsey survey, 66% of businesses have automated business processes in more than one business function.

McKinsey & Company, 2020

The energy and utilities sector could realize cost savings from $237 billion to $813 billion through intelligent automation in its target processes at scale

Capgemini , 2019

Automation has improved jobs for 90% of knowledge workers and productivity for 66% of them.

Kissflow, 2023

More than 80% of organizations already plan to increase their investment in automation solutions.

Kissflow, 2023

More than 64% of global manufacturing activities can be automated

Kissflow, 2023

31% of companies have fully automated at least one of their major functions.

Kissflow, 2023

67% of companies currently use business process automation to streamline and automate their day-to-day repeatable tasks.

Kissflow, 2023

Automation helps employees save 10-50% of the time that they had previously spent on manual tasks.

Kissflow, 2023

85% of managers believe automating some tasks will give them and their employees extra time to focus on goals that matter to the company.

Kissflow, 2023